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Healing through Shame and Limiting Beliefs

In our latest episode of The Aligned Life, we explored the topic of deservingness and how our self-limiting beliefs can shape...

Stop People-Pleasing as an Empath: Reclaim Your Energy!

Let’s be real—if you’re an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), you’ve probably mastered the art of conflict avoidance. You say...

Overgiving as an Empath: How to Reclaim Your Time and Energy

Overgiving as an empath can leave you feeling like you're constantly running out of time and energy because you’re always doing...

Relationships as an Empath and how to navigate them.

Problem: The Struggle with Self-Doubt and Anxiety Ever find yourself constantly second-guessing your judgment? Despite being an empath, it feels like you’re...

Empath Coping Mechanism: Observe, Not Absorb

You may remember in my Series introduction blog that I wrote: “Often one of the characteristics used to describe empaths and...

Dear Empath/HSP: How to Stop Taking Things Personally.

Taking things personally can be tough for empaths and HSPs if you weren’t ever taught strategies and methods to help you...